

These terms of use apply to your use of the website of Metfie, www.metfie.com and Metfie mobile application, iOS application / Android application, provided by Quasar Solutions FZC-LLC (hereafter “we” or “us” or “our” or “Quasar”). Please go through them carefully. If you object to anything in the terms of use or our privacy policy, please do not use website or the app offered by us.


Acceptance of Terms of Use Agreement

We retain the right to modify the terms of use and privacy policy at any time, as we deem necessary. Such changes may be made for a range of reasons, such as to reflect new features, business practices, or legal requirements. The latest version of the terms of use and privacy policy can be found on our website and app, along with the date of the most recent revision. To stay informed of any changes, please periodically review the terms of use and privacy policy, as all changes are effective upon publication. By continuing to use the Metfie app and website following any revisions, you acknowledge and agree to the updated terms of use. In the event of any modifications to the terms of use and/or privacy policy, we will inform Metfie users via our app.



Metfie is a social platform with the purpose to connect like-minded people around the globe to find love. By creating an account on Metfie you hereby authenticate the following.

-You are at least the age of 18.

-You are capable of forming a legally binding contract with Metfie.

-You are not prohibited from using the Service under United States law or any other jurisdiction.

-You do not have any unspent convictions, nor are you subject to any court orders relating to assault, violence, sexual misconduct, or harassment.

-You will not use our website or App if you have been previously removed from Metfie.

-You are not listed on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or any similar list.

-You agree to comply with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules, and regulations, as well as this agreement.

-Failure to meet any of these conditions may result in the permanent removal of your account with Metfie.

-You are not a citizen of any EU country.

Other Terms

Other Terms & Law

Governing Law

This agreement’s terms of use and privacy policy are subject to the laws of the United Arab Emirates, and you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Sharjah, UAE.

Registration and Your Account

  • To use the Website or App, registration is required. Once registered, you may create a personal account (“Your Account”), which will require your pictures. Additional information, such as your name, gender, date of birth, height and city of residence, may be requested. You may also provide a description of yourself, your interests, philosophy, and date ideas. Your email address will serve as your identifier when contacting support.
  • The creation of Your Account qualifies you as a user, and repeated complaints from other users may result in suspension.
  • To remind you that our platform strictly prohibits any form of abusive content or inappropriate imagery, including nudity, in user profiles. We would like to emphasize that failure to comply with this policy may result in your account being terminated.
  • Metfie is not responsible for the login credentials used to access the service, and you accept sole responsibility for any activities performed under those credentials.
  • By registering for Metfie, you consent to receive SMS and email notifications regarding your profile activities.
  • If you suspect that your account has been compromised, please contact support@metfie.com to request the removal of your account from your registered email address.

Community Guidelines

By using Metfie, you consent to receiving communication from us via email and other channels for the purpose of engaging with our service. We expect our users to adhere to a standard of professionalism and dignity in their conduct. Failure to do so may result in the termination of their membership. We require our users to observe the following etiquette:

  • Refrain from posting or transmitting defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, racially offensive, or illegal material to other users.
  • Avoid posting or transmitting any material that violates or infringes upon the rights of another party.
  • Do not utilize any manual or automatic device or process such as a robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or any other method to retrieve, index, data mine, reverse engineer, bypass the navigational structure or presentation of the service, or its contents.
  • The Metfie app may not be used for soliciting personal business activities or for commercial purposes.
  • Ensure that all information provided to Metfie or any other user is accurate, truthful, and not misleading or false.
  • Posting links to external websites is strictly prohibited.
  • Sharing login details with another person is not permitted.
  • Use your discretion when sharing personal information with other users, and exercise caution for your privacy and safety.
  • It is not permitted to publish any personal contact information on your account, such as your complete name, address, email address, telephone number, instant messaging contact details, or social media website URLs or usernames. Furthermore, personal contact information should not be included in messages to users who have not previously contacted you, for your own safety.
  • Your safety and personal integrity are of utmost importance to us. We guarantee the confidentiality of your chat messages. However, we utilize filter software and other review mechanisms to detect inappropriate content such as derogatory or aggressive language, or unlawful use of our platform for advertisements or link-building, in materials published by users such as My Story and My Date Idea. If such content is detected, we reserve the right to modify or erase the content and notify users of their wrongdoing.
  • Misuse of the written spaces on Metfie may result in termination of your account.
  • Your photos will be reviewed prior to being published on Metfie.
  • Do not upload viruses or any other malicious code, or compromise the security of Metfie’s services in any way.
  • Posting vulgar, defamatory, controversial, or copyright- or trademark-infringing content is prohibited.
  • Use any information provided by another Metfie user in a lawful, responsible, and respectful manner.
  • Do not use the service to disrupt public order.
  • Do not interfere with the normal functioning of Metfie or its infrastructure in any way.
  • Cease contacting any user who asks you to stop immediately.
  • Do not post, copy, modify, disclose, or distribute any confidential information or any other material that is subject to our or a third party’s intellectual property rights without obtaining prior written consent from us or the relevant third party.
  • You agree to compensate us for any claims or damages, including legal fees, demanded by a third party in connection with any breach or suspected breach of these terms of use or the rights of a third party.
  • We reserve the right to issue warnings, suspend access to your account, or terminate your account if we reasonably believe that you have breached these terms of use.

Metfie offers customer care assistance to provide guidance and support. While communicating with our customer care team, we expect you to refrain from using abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, sexist, threatening, harassing, racially offensive, or any other inappropriate language or behavior. If we deem your behavior towards any of our employees as threatening or offensive, we reserve the right to terminate your account without prior notice.


Please be aware that Metfie has the right to investigate and terminate your account without any reimbursement or refund if we suspect that you have misled Metfie or its users, misused the Service, or engaged in inappropriate or unlawful behavior, including off-service actions or communications with other Metfie users.


Metfie does not currently conduct criminal or formal background checks on its users, nor does it attempt to verify their statements. As a user, you are solely responsible for taking appropriate safety precautions when using the website or app and when interacting with other users online or offline, including dating and meeting. Please note that we do not guarantee or verify the accuracy of information provided by other users. While we make every effort to ensure the information on our website and app is accurate and up to date, we cannot guarantee its accuracy, completeness, or currency, and no rights can be derived from it. The website and app may not be available uninterrupted and in a fully operating condition, and all content and services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Any decisions or actions taken by you based on information provided on or via the website and app are at your sole discretion and risk.

Metfie has a policy of not collecting data from minors. If a Member provides false information about their date of birth and claims to be over 18 years of age fraudulently, the parents of the minor in question should immediately notify Metfie by sending an email to team@Metfie.in requesting the deletion of their data. Metfie will take immediate action to delete all data related to the minor as soon as possible.

Purchases, Cancellation, Returns and Refunds

As Metfie does not deal with physical goods, there is no option for cancellation or return of products. Instead, Metfie users can purchase digital goods such as Messages and premium subscriptions to connect with other Metfie users. It is possible that Metfie may introduce new digital goods or modify/remove existing ones over time. Digital goods received through referrals will expire within 12 months.



When you purchase something within our app, you’ll need to enter your account details with your software store, and your in-app purchase will be charged to your account accordingly, following the terms disclosed to you at the time of purchase and any general in-app purchase terms that apply to your account. Depending on your location, you may be charged sales tax by some software stores. If you choose to purchase an auto-recurring periodic subscription through an in-app purchase, your account will continue to be billed until you cancel. After the initial subscription period and subsequent renewal periods, your subscription will renew automatically for an equivalent period at the price you agreed to when subscribing. If you wish to cancel your subscription or modify it, you will need to log in to your account and follow the instructions to cancel, even if you have deleted your account on our app or removed the Metfie app from your device. Please note that deleting your account or the app will not cancel your subscription, and we will retain all funds charged to your account until you cancel your subscription through your software store.

Generally, payments made on Metfie are non-refundable and cannot be cancelled under any circumstances, including when your membership is terminated. However, there may be an exception if you request a refund within 14 days of the transaction date and you haven’t used any service and if the laws in your jurisdiction allow for refunds. In such cases, refunds will be processed within 7 business days.

If you have any payment-related queries concerning payments made through your Apple ID on iOS devices, please direct them to Apple instead of Metfie. To request a refund, please visit https://getsupport.apple.com. For payments made using your Google Play Store account, please contact Metfie customer support by sending an email to support@metfie.com with your order details and invoice from the Google Play Store. If you made a payment through the website or any other payment gateway, please contact Metfie customer support by sending an email to support@metfie.com with your order details and invoice.


Metfie grants users the rights to use its platform solely for personal and private purposes. By using the App, users also grant Metfie a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, and royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, translate, and display any intellectual property-related material (such as text, emojis, photos, videos, etc.) provided through the App for the purpose of communication with other users on Metfie. Metfie may use such content in any format, including but not limited to the Website, App, ads, other areas accessible to users, and for internal purposes.


Metfie reserves the right to modify or terminate the service, either temporarily or permanently, at any time, with or without prior notice. By using the service, you acknowledge and agree that Metfie will not be held liable for any modification, suspension, or termination of the service, whether to you or to any third party.

Deletion of Account

A Metfie user has the option to delete their account at any time, without prior notice. If they choose to use Metfie again, they will have to register a new account.


When a user deletes their account, their profile will be removed from the list of profiles on Metfie, and they will not be able to reactivate it. All the data will be erased from our database within 7 days of deletion of account.


Metfie has the right to terminate a user’s membership, suspend their profile, or disable access if they breach any of the terms, with or without notice. However, any purchases made on Metfie will not be refunded under any circumstances.

Copyright Infringement Claims

Prior written consent from the owner of proprietary rights must be obtained before posting, distributing, or reproducing any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information. If you suspect that your work has been copied and posted on the Service in a manner that violates copyright laws, please send us an email at support@metfie.com with the following details:

  • An electronic or physical signature of the authorized person to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
  • A description of the copyrighted material claimed to have been infringed.
  • The location of the material that you believe is infringing on the app.
  • Your full name, address, telephone number, and email address.
  • A written statement from you stating that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  • A statement from you, made under penalty of perjury, affirming that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

External Links and Services

Metfie may provide links to other websites or resources, which may also be provided by third parties. You understand and acknowledge that Metfie has no control over these external sites or resources and is not responsible for their availability, content, advertisements, products, or other materials. You also acknowledge that Metfie is not liable for any damage or loss, whether direct or indirect, arising from or related to the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through these external sites or resources. During interactions with such external sites or resources, you are bound by their respective terms and privacy policies, which you should carefully review.


Limitation of Liability and Disputes

  • You are solely responsible for your interactions with other users on Metfie. Although Metfie may choose to monitor disputes between users, it is not obligated to do so. We do not provide any arbitration or settlement service for domestic or private disputes between users. Metfie also reserves the right to take appropriate action against any users who violate our policies.
  • Metfie, its affiliates, employees, agents, licensors, or partners shall not be held liable for any damages, whether direct or indirect, arising from your use of the service. These damages may include bodily injury, emotional distress, loss of use, loss of data, loss caused by computer or electronic viruses, loss of income or profit, loss of or damage to property, wasted management or office time, breach of contract, or claims of third parties. Metfie shall not be held responsible for any losses resulting from communications or meetings with other users of the service.
  • If you choose to invite someone to join Metfie, you may select a person directly from your contacts list on your device and send a text, email or message from your personal account. You are responsible for any charges incurred from these communications.
  • We will provide Metfie service to you with reasonable skill and care. However, we make no warranties or representations, either express or implied, with respect to the Website, App or the associated services.
  • By using our website or app, you expressly agree not to hold Metfie liable for any instruction, advice, or services delivered through our website or app. Metfie disclaims all liability for any damage, suits, claims, and/or controversies that arise or relate in any way to our website or app.
  • Metfie will not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses. These damages may result from your use or inability to use the website or app, the cost of procurement of substitute goods and services, unauthorized access or alteration of your transmissions or data, statements or conduct of any user or third party, reliance on content data made available by us, or any other matter relating to the website or app.
  • Nothing in these terms of use shall exclude or limit our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation or for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or the negligence of our employees or agents.
  • To the fullest extent allowed by law, Metfie’s maximum liability arising from the website or app or your use of our content, regardless of the cause of action, will not exceed the fees you have paid for purchases on Metfie.



You agree to protect, indemnify, and hold Metfie, its officers, directors, and employees harmless from and against any and all liabilities, demands, claims, damages, complaints, losses, costs, and expenses, including legal fees, resulting from, arising out of, or related to your use of the services, your content, or your violation of this agreement, to the fullest extent allowed by United Arab Emirates laws.


Metfie cannot guarantee or warrant that (a) any matches or profiles presented will be compatible and/or guarantee success in finding a partner, or (b) the service will be uninterrupted, secure or error-free. Metfie also does not guarantee that (c) any defects or errors in the service will be corrected, (d) any content or information you obtain on or through the service will be accurate, or (e) any suggestions or feedback will be incorporated.


Metfie is not responsible for any content that you, another user or third party posts, sends or receives through the service. You access any material downloaded or obtained through the service at your own discretion and risk.


Metfie disclaims and takes no responsibility for any conduct by you or any other user on or off the service.

Advertising and External Links

Metfie may include links to other websites or resources, but since it has no control over them, you agree that Metfie is not accountable for the availability of such external sites or resources, nor is it responsible for any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or accessible from such sites or resources. You understand and acknowledge that Metfie will not be held liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or claimed to be caused by or in connection with the use of, or reliance on, any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such site or resource. You are advised to review the terms of use and privacy policies of such websites carefully as you will be bound by them during any interactions.


  • Quasar Solutions FZC-LLC may be acquired, in whole or in part, by another company without prior written notice.
  • If you violate these terms of use and we do not take immediate action, we still retain the right to use our rights and remedies in any future situations where you breach these terms.
  • If any part of these terms of use is deemed invalid or unenforceable by a court or regulator, the remaining provisions will continue to apply. We will make adjustments to these terms as necessary, and any invalid terms will be replaced with valid terms that are as similar as possible.
  • These terms of use are intended to apply only to you and us, and do not grant any rights to any third party.
  • We reserve the right to modify these terms of use and our privacy policy at any time, at our discretion. The most current version is available on our website and app, and we encourage you to periodically review these documents for updates. Your continued use of the Metfie app and website after any revisions indicates your acceptance of the revised terms.